2015年1月24日 星期六

巴塞隆納:等待西班牙電音樂團Fuel Fandango,不夜城吹來刺骨寒風

每年9月中旬起,巴塞隆納結合當地習俗與文化的藝術節慶La Mercè隆重登場,不僅白天在各個博物館、市區公園、大型廣場等處都有活動,晚上甚至安排許多樂團現場表演,地鐵也貼心的24小時營業,讓這段期間的巴塞隆納,成為了一個不夜城。

2014年La Mercè節慶第一天,我跟凱西結束了白天聖家堂、貝爾港的緊湊行程,晚餐完我們稍作歇息(實際上用完餐已經晚上9點多了),就前往城市東南方的El Parc del Fòrum,準備參加西班牙當地樂團的現場表演。

La Mercèˇ的活動,慣例在9月第一週才有詳細表演時程出爐,為了避開老婆聽音樂採到地雷,每個樂團我都先上Youtube看過一輪,最後選到了Fuel Fandango,希望這個揉合佛郎明哥舞與電音techno的樂團,能夠帶給我們驚喜。

搭地鐵L4到了El Maresme Fòrum,我們步行往會場中心去,儘管剛出地鐵站不久就遠遠聽到舞台喇叭轟轟巨響,但從地鐵站跟著人潮走到第一個舞台,我們就整整走了20分鐘。凱西跟我到了舞台旁,挨著樓梯坐著,發現旁邊觀眾不多,年輕人稀稀疏疏、三兩成群慢慢集結中。


循著另一種樂風的巨大舞台喇叭聲響,我們沿小徑往另一個舞台前進,大約7分鐘後來到大舞台,才發現表演已經過去了一半。舞台上Fuel Fandango正在用熱情感染台下每一個聽眾。凱西說:嗯,還不錯聽!稍微讓我感覺到安慰了點。環顧了一下全場觀眾,人數應該不超過300人,究竟是宣傳不足,還是巴塞隆納人不喜歡這種音樂呢?我感到好奇。

Fuel Fandango表演結束已經快凌晨12點,舞台前的人潮逐漸散去,有些人去找酒喝,有些人往小舞台方向去,等待下一個團La Iaia上台不知道還需要多久。大舞台靠近海邊,風很大,水泥地板也相當地冷,寒風當中,凱西背靠著我睡著了。在周圍好幾名警察的保護下,我開始整理數位相機中的照片。原以為20到30分鐘的準備算是差不多,但最後卻等了一個小時才上場。

可惜,La Iaia的音樂偏離我們喜歡的主流音樂太遠,加上撐不過冷風颼颼,聽完兩首歌後,我們決定打道回府。


It was the first day of 2014 La Mercè, a traditional celebration of Barcelona culture, art and history. After visiting the Sagrada Familia and the Mare Magnum, my wife, Cathy, and I were almost completely exhausted, so we decided to go back to the hotel to take a break. We finished our dinner near our hotel, and then took the subway to El Parc del Fòrum to go to an outdoor concert, expecting to experience a wonderful night ofin Barcelona.

To avoid losing missing in the concert, I checked critical information about how to get there and who was playing and when.in advance: the genre of every band, the road map, and the performance timetable. Finally, from our list I only chose kept Fuel Fandango, a Spainish band that which perfectly mixes flamingo and techno, in our list because I thought my wife might like them. which might attracted my wife.

In my perfect plan, we would arrive at the subway station at 22:30, walk 7 minutes to the stage, and enjoy Fuel Fandango's music for one hour. It would be a nice ending to of our second day in Barcelona.

However, things went wrong through. Although we arrived subway station aton time, we spent more than 20 minutes to getting to the stage. And half an hours later, we found which was a small one, the band on the small stage was not Fuel Fandango. So, we ran to another big stage, a bigger one, where we found Fuel Fandango, but we were only able to listen to their performance for only 20 minutes. Then we sat on the cement ground, trembled in the cold night, and waited for the next band. Since their set up preparation lasted for one hour, we listened to only one song and then decided to leave...It was really freezing, and we were too tired.

This was really a meaningful lesson, which taught us that a sophisticated live concert could turn to a tragedy without well organized planning.

文 / 游祥威

